Embracing the future, pay with crypto!

Payments with Bitcoin, Ether, Zcash or other cryptocurrencies are the next logical step in moving towards a more sustainable way of living, strengthening local economies and peoples. Quinta nas Colinas happily embraces this alternative over a failing financial system supporting the largest inequality in human history. A system that is supported by the political establishment of the western world.
The power of central banks and banks, like CGD or any other, to create money out of thin air when you apply for a loan or mortgage -and even asking interest over the air they just created- gives the financial sector unhealthy power over societies. Their moneymaking, or airmaking rather, inflates the value of the money of the peoples and distributes new value unfairly to those close to the financial system and those close to the power structures that are.
Moving towards payments in currencies that can not be made on a whim by financial or governmental authorities, but are by and for the people gives each of us autonomy over our wealth.
There can not be a ‘free market’ without the freedom of competition in currencies. Otherwise the few that control the moneymaking used by the many will always have a free ride at the expense of the real economy.
Quinta nas Colinas aims to be mindful about it’s place in the world and always seeks to move towards the ideas of local self-sufficient economies and permaculture. Peer-to-peer money can not be seen separate!
Besides Bitcoin, Ether and Zcash I accept many other cryptocurrencies upon request.
Besides cryptocurrencies we now also accept the following payment systems: IBAN bank transfer, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, iDeal and Sofort.
See the general info page for more information.